Everybody knows that cycling is the best way to move around in cities. For businesses this is an understatement.

We are here for local businesses and companies.

Our e-cargo bikes are here to revolutionize the way you do business. Introducing a smarter, greener alternative to traditional delivery methods: Veloe®! Here’s why your business needs to make the switch.

EFFICIENCY. Fast delivery in a vibrant city.

COST SAVING. Riding a Veloe® is cheap.

ECO FRIENDLY. No CO2 emissions.

YOUR BRAND. Ready for the future.

Veloe® multi: powerful frame with large cargo capacities.

Veloe® is a versatile cargo eBike for companies looking for solutions.


When building an eBike for everyday use, it’s obvious Veloe® is built to last.

We are a fully Italian production company driven by a mission: to promote more bicycles and fewer cars. Veloe® is a versatile cargobike built to last.

Why? It’s made of steel and equipped with the best parts on the market.